Source code for vasp.parser.band_structure
import vasp.utils
import vasp.parser.regex
from vasp.parser.kpoint import Kpoint
[docs]class BandStructure:
This parser accepts an outcar file and parses the ``k-points``
inside, right now it will parse all the ``k-points``, also if
there are several ionic relaxation iterations.
.. TODO: In the future, let also the posibility of reading from vasprun.xml
:param outcar: Filepath of an outcar file
:type outcar: str
def __init__(self, outcar=None):
#: A list of k-points, see :class:`vasp.parser.kpoint.Kpoint`
self.kpoints = []
if outcar is not None:
with open(outcar) as fd:
self.lines = fd.readlines()
def parse_outcar(self):
self.lines = vasp.utils.clean_lines(self.lines)
spin = None
kpoint_lines = []
kpoint_header_matched_before = False
for line in self.lines:
# Find spin component
m = vasp.parser.regex.spin_component_header.match(line)
if m:
if kpoint_lines and kpoint_header_matched_before:
self.kpoints.append(Kpoint(kpoint_lines, spin=spin))
spin = int(
kpoint_header_matched_before = False
kpoint_lines = []
# Find start of kpoint
m = vasp.parser.regex.kpoint_header.match(line)
if m:
if kpoint_lines and kpoint_header_matched_before:
self.kpoints.append(Kpoint(kpoint_lines, spin=spin))
kpoint_header_matched_before = True
kpoint_lines = []
# Find end of section (-------)
m = vasp.parser.regex.end_section.match(line)
if m:
if kpoint_lines and kpoint_header_matched_before:
self.kpoints.append(Kpoint(kpoint_lines, spin=spin))
kpoint_header_matched_before = False
kpoint_lines = []