Source code for vasp.parser.poscar

import vasp.utils
from vasp.parser.regex import parse_vector, atom_header

[docs]class Poscar: """ This poscar parser *only* parses the poscar, it does not apply any transformation or conversion from cartesian into direct or otherwise. :param poscar_path: Path to a poscar file :type poscar_path: str """ def __init__(self, poscar_path): self.modeline = None #: Wether cartesian or direct self.basis = [] #: Basis elements = "" #: Name of the system self.constant = None #: Multiplicative constant self.symbols = [] #: Atomic labels self.symbols_number = [] #: Atomic numbers self.natoms = None #: Number of atoms self.coordinates = [] #: Coordinates with open(poscar_path) as fd: self.lines = fd.readlines() self.parse() def parse(self): self.lines = vasp.utils.clean_lines(self.lines) = self.lines.pop(0) self.constant = float(self.lines.pop(0)) self.basis.append(parse_vector(self.lines.pop(0), 3, float)) self.basis.append(parse_vector(self.lines.pop(0), 3, float)) self.basis.append(parse_vector(self.lines.pop(0), 3, float)) self.symbols = atom_header.findall(self.lines.pop(0)) if not self.symbols: raise SyntaxError( "There is no description of the atoms in the poscar\n" "Please write explicitly the atoms appearing in the poscar" ) self.symbols_number = parse_vector( self.lines.pop(0), len(self.symbols), int ) self.natoms = sum(self.symbols_number) self.modeline = self.lines.pop(0) for i in range(self.natoms): self.coordinates.append(parse_vector(self.lines.pop(0), 3, float))