About me
My name is Alejandro Gallo and I am currently a physicist at the Technical University of Vienna https://cqc.itp.tuwien.ac.at.
I work in the interface between condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry and software engineering.
- Coupled cluster theory for the ground and excited states of two-dimensional quantum dots
Salihbegović, Faruk and Gallo, Alejandro and Grüneis, Andreas
2022, American Physical Society (APS) 10.1103/physrevb.105.115111 - Surface science using coupled cluster theory via local Wannier functions and in-RPA-embedding: The case of water on graphitic carbon nitride
Schäfer, Tobias and Gallo, Alejandro and Irmler, Andreas and Hummel, Felix and Grüneis, Andreas
2021, AIP Publishing 10.1063/5.0074936 - A periodic equation-of-motion coupled-cluster implementation applied to F-centers in alkaline earth oxides
Gallo, Alejandro and Hummel, Felix and Irmler, Andreas and Grüneis, Andreas
2021, AIP Publishing 10.1063/5.0035425 - Focal-point approach with pair-specific cusp correction for coupled-cluster theory
Irmler, Andreas and Gallo, Alejandro and Grüneis, Andreas
2021, AIP Publishing 10.1063/5.0050054 - Duality of Ring and Ladder Diagrams and Its Importance for Many-Electron Perturbation Theories
Irmler, Andreas and Gallo, Alejandro and Hummel, Felix and Grüneis, Andreas
2019, American Physical Society (APS) 10.1103/physrevlett.123.156401 - Protecting a Diamond Quantum Memory by Charge State Control
Pfender, Matthias and Aslam, Nabeel and Simon, Patrick and Antonov, Denis and Thiering, Gergő and Burk, Sina and Fávaro de Oliveira, Felipe and Denisenko, Andrej and Fedder, Helmut and Meijer, Jan and Garrido, Jose A. and Gali, Adam and Teraji, Tokuyuki and Isoya, Junichi and Doherty, Marcus William and Alkauskas, Audrius and Gallo, Alejandro and Grüneis, Andreas and Neumann, Philipp and Wrachtrup, Jörg
2017, American Chemical Society (ACS) 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b01796 - Ab initio studies of vacancy-impurity complexes in cubic and hexagonal diamond
Alejandro Gallo
2016, University of Stuttgart [[https://doi.org/][]] - On the joint-measurability of observables
Alejandro Gallo
2014, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 10.5281/zenodo.4276451
I am the author of several scientific packages like CC4S, my
personal SISI4S and a high-performance kernel for the CCSD(T)
algorithm ATRIP with on-going CUDA support.
I enjoy building many things, be it on the computer or with my hands. Maybe check out my github profile for some examples here.
- I am the main author and maintainer of papis.
- I try to optimize my keyboard layout in the split keyboard lab. and the QMK לוח keymap.
- I build my own dictionaries for hebrew and arabic.
- I had much fun playing in Baasztian's album diagnose: chronisch ironisch.
- I released a demo back in 2006 called Open 24 Hours under the artistic name of Nango, you can check out the bandcamp here.