No Matches
ScaLapack.hpp File Reference
#include <math/Complex.hpp>
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void descinit_ (int *descriptor, const int *globalRows, const int *globalColumns, const int *blockRows, const int *blockColumns, const int *rowOffset, const int *columnOffset, const int *context, const int *leadingDimensionSize, int *info)
int numroc_ (const int *globalSize, const int *blockSize, const int *iproc, const int *isrcproc, const int *nprocs)
int indxl2g_ (const int *localIndex, const int *blockSize, const int *iproc, const int *isrcproc, const int *nprocs)
int indxg2l_ (const int *globalIndex, const int *blockSize, const int *iproc, const int *isrcproc, const int *nprocs)
void pdsyev_ (const char *jobz, const char *upperLower, const int *m, const double *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, double *lambda, double *z, const int *iz, const int *jz, const int *descz, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
void pzheev_ (const char *jobz, const char *upperLower, const int *m, const sisi4s::complex *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, double *lambda, sisi4s::complex *z, const int *iz, const int *jz, const int *descz, sisi4s::complex *work, const int *lwork, double *realWork, const int *lRealCount, int *info)
void pdsyevd_ (const char *jobz, const char *upperLower, const int *m, const double *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, double *lambda, double *z, const int *iz, const int *jz, const int *descz, double *work, const int *lwork, int *iwork, const int *liwork, int *info)
void pzheevd_ (const char *jobz, const char *upperLower, const int *m, const sisi4s::complex *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, double *lambda, sisi4s::complex *z, const int *iz, const int *jz, const int *descz, sisi4s::complex *work, const int *lwork, double *realWork, const int *lRealCount, int *iwork, const int *liwork, int *info)
void pdgesvd_ (const char *jobu, const char *jobvt, const int *m, const int *n, const double *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, double *s, double *u, const int *iu, const int *ju, const int *descu, double *vt, const int *ivt, const int *jvt, const int *descvt, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
void pzgesvd_ (const char *jobu, const char *jobvt, const int *m, const int *n, const sisi4s::complex *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, double *s, sisi4s::complex *u, const int *iu, const int *ju, const int *descu, sisi4s::complex *vt, const int *ivt, const int *jvt, const int *descvt, sisi4s::complex *work, const int *lwork, double *rwork, int *info)
void pdgemm_ (const char *opA, const char *opB, const int *m, const int *n, const int *k, const double *alpha, const double *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, const double *b, const int *ib, const int *jb, const int *descb, const double *beta, double *C, const int *ic, const int *jc, const int *descc)
void pzgemm_ (const char *opA, const char *opB, const int *m, const int *n, const int *k, const sisi4s::complex *alpha, const sisi4s::complex *a, const int *ia, const int *ja, const int *desca, const sisi4s::complex *b, const int *ib, const int *jb, const int *descb, const sisi4s::complex *beta, sisi4s::complex *C, const int *ic, const int *jc, const int *descc)

Function Documentation

◆ descinit_()

void descinit_ ( int *  descriptor,
const int *  globalRows,
const int *  globalColumns,
const int *  blockRows,
const int *  blockColumns,
const int *  rowOffset,
const int *  columnOffset,
const int *  context,
const int *  leadingDimensionSize,
int *  info 

◆ indxg2l_()

int indxg2l_ ( const int *  globalIndex,
const int *  blockSize,
const int *  iproc,
const int *  isrcproc,
const int *  nprocs 

◆ indxl2g_()

int indxl2g_ ( const int *  localIndex,
const int *  blockSize,
const int *  iproc,
const int *  isrcproc,
const int *  nprocs 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ numroc_()

int numroc_ ( const int *  globalSize,
const int *  blockSize,
const int *  iproc,
const int *  isrcproc,
const int *  nprocs 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdgemm_()

void pdgemm_ ( const char *  opA,
const char *  opB,
const int *  m,
const int *  n,
const int *  k,
const double *  alpha,
const double *  a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
const double *  b,
const int *  ib,
const int *  jb,
const int *  descb,
const double *  beta,
double *  C,
const int *  ic,
const int *  jc,
const int *  descc 

◆ pdgesvd_()

void pdgesvd_ ( const char *  jobu,
const char *  jobvt,
const int *  m,
const int *  n,
const double *  a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
double *  s,
double *  u,
const int *  iu,
const int *  ju,
const int *  descu,
double *  vt,
const int *  ivt,
const int *  jvt,
const int *  descvt,
double *  work,
const int *  lwork,
int *  info 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdsyev_()

void pdsyev_ ( const char *  jobz,
const char *  upperLower,
const int *  m,
const double *  a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
double *  lambda,
double *  z,
const int *  iz,
const int *  jz,
const int *  descz,
double *  work,
const int *  lwork,
int *  info 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pdsyevd_()

void pdsyevd_ ( const char *  jobz,
const char *  upperLower,
const int *  m,
const double *  a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
double *  lambda,
double *  z,
const int *  iz,
const int *  jz,
const int *  descz,
double *  work,
const int *  lwork,
int *  iwork,
const int *  liwork,
int *  info 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pzgemm_()

void pzgemm_ ( const char *  opA,
const char *  opB,
const int *  m,
const int *  n,
const int *  k,
const sisi4s::complex alpha,
const sisi4s::complex a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
const sisi4s::complex b,
const int *  ib,
const int *  jb,
const int *  descb,
const sisi4s::complex beta,
sisi4s::complex C,
const int *  ic,
const int *  jc,
const int *  descc 

◆ pzgesvd_()

void pzgesvd_ ( const char *  jobu,
const char *  jobvt,
const int *  m,
const int *  n,
const sisi4s::complex a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
double *  s,
sisi4s::complex u,
const int *  iu,
const int *  ju,
const int *  descu,
sisi4s::complex vt,
const int *  ivt,
const int *  jvt,
const int *  descvt,
sisi4s::complex work,
const int *  lwork,
double *  rwork,
int *  info 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pzheev_()

void pzheev_ ( const char *  jobz,
const char *  upperLower,
const int *  m,
const sisi4s::complex a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
double *  lambda,
sisi4s::complex z,
const int *  iz,
const int *  jz,
const int *  descz,
sisi4s::complex work,
const int *  lwork,
double *  realWork,
const int *  lRealCount,
int *  info 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pzheevd_()

void pzheevd_ ( const char *  jobz,
const char *  upperLower,
const int *  m,
const sisi4s::complex a,
const int *  ia,
const int *  ja,
const int *  desca,
double *  lambda,
sisi4s::complex z,
const int *  iz,
const int *  jz,
const int *  descz,
sisi4s::complex work,
const int *  lwork,
double *  realWork,
const int *  lRealCount,
int *  iwork,
const int *  liwork,
int *  info 
Here is the caller graph for this function: