No Matches
CLI::App Class Reference

Creates a command line program, with very few defaults. More...

#include <CLI11.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for CLI::App:
Collaboration diagram for CLI::App:

Public Member Functions

void _move_option (Option *opt, App *app)
 function that could be used by subclasses of App to shift options around into subcommands
 App (std::string app_description="", std::string app_name="")
 Create a new program. Pass in the same arguments as main(), along with a help string.
 App (const App &)=delete
Appoperator= (const App &)=delete
virtual ~App ()=default
 virtual destructor
Appcallback (std::function< void()> app_callback)
Appfinal_callback (std::function< void()> app_callback)
Appparse_complete_callback (std::function< void()> pc_callback)
Apppreparse_callback (std::function< void(std::size_t)> pp_callback)
Appname (std::string app_name="")
 Set a name for the app (empty will use parser to set the name)
Appalias (std::string app_name)
 Set an alias for the app.
Appallow_extras (bool allow=true)
 Remove the error when extras are left over on the command line.
Apprequired (bool require=true)
 Remove the error when extras are left over on the command line.
Appdisabled (bool disable=true)
 Disable the subcommand or option group.
Appsilent (bool silence=true)
 silence the subcommand from showing up in the processed list
Appdisabled_by_default (bool disable=true)
 Set the subcommand to be disabled by default, so on clear(), at the start of each parse it is disabled.
Appenabled_by_default (bool enable=true)
Appimmediate_callback (bool immediate=true)
 Set the subcommand callback to be executed immediately on subcommand completion.
Appvalidate_positionals (bool validate=true)
 Set the subcommand to validate positional arguments before assigning.
Appallow_config_extras (bool allow=true)
 ignore extras in config files
Appallow_config_extras (config_extras_mode mode)
 ignore extras in config files
Appprefix_command (bool allow=true)
 Do not parse anything after the first unrecognized option and return.
Appignore_case (bool value=true)
 Ignore case. Subcommands inherit value.
Appallow_windows_style_options (bool value=true)
Apppositionals_at_end (bool value=true)
 Specify that the positional arguments are only at the end of the sequence.
Appconfigurable (bool value=true)
 Specify that the subcommand can be triggered by a config file.
Appignore_underscore (bool value=true)
 Ignore underscore. Subcommands inherit value.
Appformatter (std::shared_ptr< FormatterBase > fmt)
 Set the help formatter.
Appformatter_fn (std::function< std::string(const App *, std::string, AppFormatMode)> fmt)
 Set the help formatter.
Appconfig_formatter (std::shared_ptr< Config > fmt)
 Set the config formatter.
bool parsed () const
 Check to see if this subcommand was parsed, true only if received on command line.
OptionDefaultsoption_defaults ()
 Get the OptionDefault object, to set option defaults.
Extras for subclassing
virtual void pre_callback ()
Post parsing
std::size_t count (std::string option_name) const
 Counts the number of times the given option was passed.
std::vector< App * > get_subcommands () const
std::vector< const App * > get_subcommands (const std::function< bool(const App *)> &filter) const
std::vector< App * > get_subcommands (const std::function< bool(App *)> &filter)
bool got_subcommand (const App *subcom) const
 Check to see if given subcommand was selected.
bool got_subcommand (std::string subcommand_name) const
 Check with name instead of pointer to see if subcommand was selected.
Appexcludes (Option *opt)
 Sets excluded options for the subcommand.
Appexcludes (App *app)
 Sets excluded subcommands for the subcommand.
Appneeds (Option *opt)
Appneeds (App *app)
bool remove_excludes (Option *opt)
 Removes an option from the excludes list of this subcommand.
bool remove_excludes (App *app)
 Removes a subcommand from the excludes list of this subcommand.
bool remove_needs (Option *opt)
 Removes an option from the needs list of this subcommand.
bool remove_needs (App *app)
 Removes a subcommand from the needs list of this subcommand.
std::shared_ptr< FormatterBaseget_formatter () const
 Access the formatter.
std::shared_ptr< Configget_config_formatter () const
 Access the config formatter.
std::shared_ptr< ConfigBaseget_config_formatter_base () const
 Access the config formatter as a configBase pointer.
std::string get_description () const
 Get the app or subcommand description.
Appdescription (std::string app_description)
 Set the description of the app.
std::vector< const Option * > get_options (const std::function< bool(const Option *)> filter={}) const
 Get the list of options (user facing function, so returns raw pointers), has optional filter function.
std::vector< Option * > get_options (const std::function< bool(Option *)> filter={})
 Non-const version of the above.
Optionget_option_no_throw (std::string option_name) noexcept
 Get an option by name (noexcept non-const version)
const Optionget_option_no_throw (std::string option_name) const noexcept
 Get an option by name (noexcept const version)
const Optionget_option (std::string option_name) const
 Get an option by name.
Optionget_option (std::string option_name)
 Get an option by name (non-const version)
const Optionoperator[] (const std::string &option_name) const
 Shortcut bracket operator for getting a pointer to an option.
const Optionoperator[] (const char *option_name) const
 Shortcut bracket operator for getting a pointer to an option.
bool get_ignore_case () const
 Check the status of ignore_case.
bool get_ignore_underscore () const
 Check the status of ignore_underscore.
bool get_fallthrough () const
 Check the status of fallthrough.
bool get_allow_windows_style_options () const
 Check the status of the allow windows style options.
bool get_positionals_at_end () const
 Check the status of the allow windows style options.
bool get_configurable () const
 Check the status of the allow windows style options.
const std::string & get_group () const
 Get the group of this subcommand.
std::string get_footer () const
 Generate and return the footer.
std::size_t get_require_subcommand_min () const
 Get the required min subcommand value.
std::size_t get_require_subcommand_max () const
 Get the required max subcommand value.
std::size_t get_require_option_min () const
 Get the required min option value.
std::size_t get_require_option_max () const
 Get the required max option value.
bool get_prefix_command () const
 Get the prefix command status.
bool get_allow_extras () const
 Get the status of allow extras.
bool get_required () const
 Get the status of required.
bool get_disabled () const
 Get the status of disabled.
bool get_silent () const
 Get the status of silence.
bool get_immediate_callback () const
 Get the status of disabled.
bool get_disabled_by_default () const
 Get the status of disabled by default.
bool get_enabled_by_default () const
 Get the status of disabled by default.
bool get_validate_positionals () const
 Get the status of validating positionals.
config_extras_mode get_allow_config_extras () const
 Get the status of allow extras.
Optionget_help_ptr ()
 Get a pointer to the help flag.
const Optionget_help_ptr () const
 Get a pointer to the help flag. (const)
const Optionget_help_all_ptr () const
 Get a pointer to the help all flag. (const)
Optionget_config_ptr ()
 Get a pointer to the config option.
const Optionget_config_ptr () const
 Get a pointer to the config option. (const)
Optionget_version_ptr ()
 Get a pointer to the version option.
const Optionget_version_ptr () const
 Get a pointer to the version option. (const)
Appget_parent ()
 Get the parent of this subcommand (or nullptr if main app)
const Appget_parent () const
 Get the parent of this subcommand (or nullptr if main app) (const version)
const std::string & get_name () const
 Get the name of the current app.
const std::vector< std::string > & get_aliases () const
 Get the aliases of the current app.
Appclear_aliases ()
 clear all the aliases of the current App
std::string get_display_name (bool with_aliases=false) const
 Get a display name for an app.
bool check_name (std::string name_to_check) const
 Check the name, case insensitive and underscore insensitive if set.
std::vector< std::string > get_groups () const
 Get the groups available directly from this option (in order)
const std::vector< Option * > & parse_order () const
 This gets a vector of pointers with the original parse order.
std::vector< std::string > remaining (bool recurse=false) const
 This returns the missing options from the current subcommand.
std::vector< std::string > remaining_for_passthrough (bool recurse=false) const
 This returns the missing options in a form ready for processing by another command line program.
std::size_t remaining_size (bool recurse=false) const
 This returns the number of remaining options, minus the – separator.

Protected Member Functions

 App (std::string app_description, std::string app_name, App *parent)
 Special private constructor for subcommand.
void _validate () const
void _configure ()
void run_callback (bool final_mode=false, bool suppress_final_callback=false)
 Internal function to run (App) callback, bottom up.
bool _valid_subcommand (const std::string &current, bool ignore_used=true) const
 Check to see if a subcommand is valid. Give up immediately if subcommand max has been reached.
detail::Classifier _recognize (const std::string &current, bool ignore_used_subcommands=true) const
 Selects a Classifier enum based on the type of the current argument.
void _process_config_file ()
 Read and process a configuration file (main app only)
void _process_env ()
 Get envname options if not yet passed. Runs on all subcommands.
void _process_callbacks ()
 Process callbacks. Runs on all subcommands.
void _process_help_flags (bool trigger_help=false, bool trigger_all_help=false) const
void _process_requirements ()
 Verify required options and cross requirements. Subcommands too (only if selected).
void _process ()
 Process callbacks and such.
void _process_extras ()
 Throw an error if anything is left over and should not be.
void _process_extras (std::vector< std::string > &args)
void increment_parsed ()
 Internal function to recursively increment the parsed counter on the current app as well unnamed subcommands.
void _parse (std::vector< std::string > &args)
 Internal parse function.
void _parse (std::vector< std::string > &&args)
 Internal parse function.
void _parse_stream (std::istream &input)
 Internal function to parse a stream.
void _parse_config (const std::vector< ConfigItem > &args)
bool _parse_single_config (const ConfigItem &item, std::size_t level=0)
 Fill in a single config option.
bool _parse_single (std::vector< std::string > &args, bool &positional_only)
std::size_t _count_remaining_positionals (bool required_only=false) const
 Count the required remaining positional arguments.
bool _has_remaining_positionals () const
 Count the required remaining positional arguments.
bool _parse_positional (std::vector< std::string > &args, bool haltOnSubcommand)
App_find_subcommand (const std::string &subc_name, bool ignore_disabled, bool ignore_used) const noexcept
bool _parse_subcommand (std::vector< std::string > &args)
bool _parse_arg (std::vector< std::string > &args, detail::Classifier current_type)
void _trigger_pre_parse (std::size_t remaining_args)
 Trigger the pre_parse callback if needed.
App_get_fallthrough_parent ()
 Get the appropriate parent to fallthrough to which is the first one that has a name or the main app.
const std::string & _compare_subcommand_names (const App &subcom, const App &base) const
 Helper function to run through all possible comparisons of subcommand names to check there is no overlap.
void _move_to_missing (detail::Classifier val_type, const std::string &val)
 Helper function to place extra values in the most appropriate position.

Protected Attributes

std::string name_ {}
 Subcommand name or program name (from parser if name is empty)
std::string description_ {}
 Description of the current program/subcommand.
bool allow_extras_ {false}
 If true, allow extra arguments (ie, don't throw an error). INHERITABLE.
config_extras_mode allow_config_extras_ {config_extras_mode::ignore}
bool prefix_command_ {false}
 If true, return immediately on an unrecognized option (implies allow_extras) INHERITABLE.
bool has_automatic_name_ {false}
 If set to true the name was automatically generated from the command line vs a user set name.
bool required_ {false}
 If set to true the subcommand is required to be processed and used, ignored for main app.
bool disabled_ {false}
 If set to true the subcommand is disabled and cannot be used, ignored for main app.
bool pre_parse_called_ {false}
 Flag indicating that the pre_parse_callback has been triggered.
bool immediate_callback_ {false}
std::function< void(std::size_t)> pre_parse_callback_ {}
 This is a function that runs prior to the start of parsing.
std::function< void()> parse_complete_callback_ {}
 This is a function that runs when parsing has finished.
std::function< void()> final_callback_ {}
 This is a function that runs when all processing has completed.
OptionDefaults option_defaults_ {}
 The default values for options, customizable and changeable INHERITABLE.
std::vector< Option_poptions_ {}
 The list of options, stored locally.
Optionconfig_ptr_ {nullptr}
 Pointer to the config option.
std::shared_ptr< Configconfig_formatter_ {new ConfigTOML()}
 This is the formatter for help printing. Default provided. INHERITABLE (same pointer)


enum class  startup_mode : char { stable , enabled , disabled }
std::vector< App_psubcommands_ {}
 Storage for subcommand list.
bool ignore_case_ {false}
 If true, the program name is not case sensitive INHERITABLE.
bool ignore_underscore_ {false}
 If true, the program should ignore underscores INHERITABLE.
bool fallthrough_ {false}
 Allow subcommand fallthrough, so that parent commands can collect commands after subcommand. INHERITABLE.
bool allow_windows_style_options_
 Allow '/' for options for Windows like options. Defaults to true on Windows, false otherwise. INHERITABLE.
bool positionals_at_end_ {false}
 specify that positional arguments come at the end of the argument sequence not inheritable
startup_mode default_startup {startup_mode::stable}
bool configurable_ {false}
 if set to true the subcommand can be triggered via configuration files INHERITABLE
bool validate_positionals_ {false}
 If set to true positional options are validated before assigning INHERITABLE.
bool silent_ {false}
std::uint32_t parsed_ {0U}
 Counts the number of times this command/subcommand was parsed.
std::size_t require_subcommand_min_ {0}
 Minimum required subcommands (not inheritable!)
std::size_t require_subcommand_max_ {0}
 Max number of subcommands allowed (parsing stops after this number). 0 is unlimited INHERITABLE.
std::size_t require_option_min_ {0}
 Minimum required options (not inheritable!)
std::size_t require_option_max_ {0}
 Max number of options allowed. 0 is unlimited (not inheritable)
Appparent_ {nullptr}
 A pointer to the parent if this is a subcommand.
std::string group_ {"Subcommands"}
 The group membership INHERITABLE.
std::vector< std::string > aliases_ {}
 Alias names for the subcommand.
Appadd_subcommand (std::string subcommand_name="", std::string subcommand_description="")
 Add a subcommand. Inherits INHERITABLE and OptionDefaults, and help flag.
Appadd_subcommand (CLI::App_p subcom)
 Add a previously created app as a subcommand.
bool remove_subcommand (App *subcom)
 Removes a subcommand from the App. Takes a subcommand pointer. Returns true if found and removed.
Appget_subcommand (const App *subcom) const
Appget_subcommand (std::string subcom) const
 Check to see if a subcommand is part of this command (text version)
Appget_subcommand (int index=0) const
 Get a pointer to subcommand by index.
CLI::App_p get_subcommand_ptr (App *subcom) const
 Check to see if a subcommand is part of this command and get a shared_ptr to it.
CLI::App_p get_subcommand_ptr (std::string subcom) const
 Check to see if a subcommand is part of this command (text version)
CLI::App_p get_subcommand_ptr (int index=0) const
 Get an owning pointer to subcommand by index.
Appget_option_group (std::string group_name) const
 Check to see if an option group is part of this App.
std::size_t count () const
std::size_t count_all () const
Appgroup (std::string group_name)
 Changes the group membership.
Apprequire_subcommand ()
 The argumentless form of require subcommand requires 1 or more subcommands.
Apprequire_subcommand (int value)
Apprequire_subcommand (std::size_t min, std::size_t max)
Apprequire_option ()
 The argumentless form of require option requires 1 or more options be used.
Apprequire_option (int value)
Apprequire_option (std::size_t min, std::size_t max)
Appfallthrough (bool value=true)
 operator bool () const


using missing_t = std::vector< std::pair< detail::Classifier, std::string > >
missing_t missing_ {}
std::vector< Option * > parse_order_ {}
 This is a list of pointers to options with the original parse order.
std::vector< App * > parsed_subcommands_ {}
 This is a list of the subcommands collected, in order.
std::set< App * > exclude_subcommands_ {}
 this is a list of subcommands that are exclusionary to this one
std::set< Option * > exclude_options_ {}
std::set< App * > need_subcommands_ {}
std::set< Option * > need_options_ {}
void clear ()
 Reset the parsed data.
void parse (int argc, const char *const *argv)
void parse (std::string commandline, bool program_name_included=false)
void parse (std::vector< std::string > &args)
void parse (std::vector< std::string > &&args)
 The real work is done here. Expects a reversed vector.
void parse_from_stream (std::istream &input)
void failure_message (std::function< std::string(const App *, const Error &e)> function)
 Provide a function to print a help message. The function gets access to the App pointer and error.
int exit (const Error &e, std::ostream &out=std::cout, std::ostream &err=std::cerr) const
 Print a nice error message and return the exit code.


std::string footer_ {}
 Footer to put after all options in the help output INHERITABLE.
std::function< std::string()> footer_callback_ {}
 This is a function that generates a footer to put after all other options in help output.
Optionhelp_ptr_ {nullptr}
 A pointer to the help flag if there is one INHERITABLE.
Optionhelp_all_ptr_ {nullptr}
 A pointer to the help all flag if there is one INHERITABLE.
Optionversion_ptr_ {nullptr}
 A pointer to a version flag if there is one.
std::shared_ptr< FormatterBaseformatter_ {new Formatter()}
 This is the formatter for help printing. Default provided. INHERITABLE (same pointer)
std::function< std::string(const App *, const Error &e)> failure_message_ {FailureMessage::simple}
 The error message printing function INHERITABLE.
Appfooter (std::string footer_string)
 Set footer.
Appfooter (std::function< std::string()> footer_function)
 Set footer.
std::string config_to_str (bool default_also=false, bool write_description=false) const
std::string help (std::string prev="", AppFormatMode mode=AppFormatMode::Normal) const
std::string version () const
 Displays a version string.

Adding options

Optionadd_option (std::string option_name, callback_t option_callback, std::string option_description="", bool defaulted=false, std::function< std::string()> func={})
template<typename AssignTo , typename ConvertTo = AssignTo, enable_if_t<!std::is_const< ConvertTo >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Optionadd_option (std::string option_name, AssignTo &variable, std::string option_description="")
 Add option for assigning to a variable.
template<typename AssignTo , enable_if_t<!std::is_const< AssignTo >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Optionadd_option_no_stream (std::string option_name, AssignTo &variable, std::string option_description="")
 Add option for assigning to a variable.
template<typename ArgType >
Optionadd_option_function (std::string option_name, const std::function< void(const ArgType &)> &func, std::string option_description="")
 Add option for a callback of a specific type.
Optionadd_option (std::string option_name)
 Add option with no description or variable assignment.
template<typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_const< T >::value &&std::is_constructible< std::string, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Optionadd_option (std::string option_name, T &option_description)
 Add option with description but with no variable assignment or callback.
Optionset_help_flag (std::string flag_name="", const std::string &help_description="")
 Set a help flag, replace the existing one if present.
Optionset_help_all_flag (std::string help_name="", const std::string &help_description="")
 Set a help all flag, replaced the existing one if present.
Optionset_version_flag (std::string flag_name="", const std::string &versionString="", const std::string &version_help="Display program version information and exit")
 Set a version flag and version display string, replace the existing one if present.
Optionset_version_flag (std::string flag_name, std::function< std::string()> vfunc, const std::string &version_help="Display program version information and exit")
 Generate the version string through a callback function.
Optionadd_flag (std::string flag_name)
 Add a flag with no description or variable assignment.
template<typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_const< T >::value &&std::is_constructible< std::string, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Optionadd_flag (std::string flag_name, T &flag_description)
template<typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< T, std::int64_t >::value &&!is_bool< T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Optionadd_flag (std::string flag_name, T &flag_count, std::string flag_description="")
template<typename T , enable_if_t<!detail::is_mutable_container< T >::value &&!std::is_const< T >::value &&(!std::is_constructible< T, std::int64_t >::value||is_bool< T >::value) &&!std::is_constructible< std::function< void(int)>, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Optionadd_flag (std::string flag_name, T &flag_result, std::string flag_description="")
template<typename T , enable_if_t<!std::is_assignable< std::function< void(std::int64_t)> &, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Optionadd_flag (std::string flag_name, std::vector< T > &flag_results, std::string flag_description="")
 Vector version to capture multiple flags.
Optionadd_flag_callback (std::string flag_name, std::function< void(void)> function, std::string flag_description="")
 Add option for callback that is triggered with a true flag and takes no arguments.
Optionadd_flag_function (std::string flag_name, std::function< void(std::int64_t)> function, std::string flag_description="")
 Add option for callback with an integer value.
Optionset_config (std::string option_name="", std::string default_filename="", const std::string &help_message="Read an ini file", bool config_required=false)
 Set a configuration ini file option, or clear it if no name passed.
bool remove_option (Option *opt)
 Removes an option from the App. Takes an option pointer. Returns true if found and removed.
template<typename T = Option_group>
T * add_option_group (std::string group_name, std::string group_description="")
 creates an option group as part of the given app

Detailed Description

Creates a command line program, with very few defaults.

To use, create a new Program() instance with argc, argv, and a help description. The templated add_option methods make it easy to prepare options. Remember to call .start before starting your program, so that the options can be evaluated and the help option doesn't accidentally run your program.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ missing_t

using CLI::App::missing_t = std::vector<std::pair<detail::Classifier, std::string> >

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ startup_mode

enum class CLI::App::startup_mode : char

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ App() [1/3]

CLI::App::App ( std::string  app_description,
std::string  app_name,
App parent 

Special private constructor for subcommand.


◆ App() [2/3]

CLI::App::App ( std::string  app_description = "",
std::string  app_name = "" 

Create a new program. Pass in the same arguments as main(), along with a help string.

◆ App() [3/3]

CLI::App::App ( const App )

◆ ~App()

virtual CLI::App::~App ( )

virtual destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ _compare_subcommand_names()

const std::string & CLI::App::_compare_subcommand_names ( const App subcom,
const App base 
) const

Helper function to run through all possible comparisons of subcommand names to check there is no overlap.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _configure()

void CLI::App::_configure ( )

configure subcommands to enable parsing through the current object set the correct fallthrough and prefix for nameless subcommands and manage the automatic enable or disable makes sure parent is set correctly

◆ _count_remaining_positionals()

std::size_t CLI::App::_count_remaining_positionals ( bool  required_only = false) const

Count the required remaining positional arguments.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _find_subcommand()

App * CLI::App::_find_subcommand ( const std::string &  subc_name,
bool  ignore_disabled,
bool  ignore_used 
) const

Locate a subcommand by name with two conditions, should disabled subcommands be ignored, and should used subcommands be ignored

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _get_fallthrough_parent()

App * CLI::App::_get_fallthrough_parent ( )

Get the appropriate parent to fallthrough to which is the first one that has a name or the main app.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _has_remaining_positionals()

bool CLI::App::_has_remaining_positionals ( ) const

Count the required remaining positional arguments.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _move_option()

void CLI::App::_move_option ( Option opt,
App app 

function that could be used by subclasses of App to shift options around into subcommands

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _move_to_missing()

void CLI::App::_move_to_missing ( detail::Classifier  val_type,
const std::string &  val 

Helper function to place extra values in the most appropriate position.

◆ _parse() [1/2]

void CLI::App::_parse ( std::vector< std::string > &&  args)

Internal parse function.

◆ _parse() [2/2]

void CLI::App::_parse ( std::vector< std::string > &  args)

Internal parse function.

◆ _parse_arg()

bool CLI::App::_parse_arg ( std::vector< std::string > &  args,
detail::Classifier  current_type 

Parse a short (false) or long (true) argument, must be at the top of the list return true if the argument was processed or false if nothing was done

if we require a separator add it here

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _parse_config()

void CLI::App::_parse_config ( const std::vector< ConfigItem > &  args)

Parse one config param, return false if not found in any subcommand, remove if it is

If this has more than one, go into the subcommand matching it Returns true if it managed to find the option, if false you'll need to remove the arg manually.

◆ _parse_positional()

bool CLI::App::_parse_positional ( std::vector< std::string > &  args,
bool  haltOnSubcommand 

Parse a positional, go up the tree to check

haltOnSubcommandif set to true the operation will not process subcommands merely return false Return true if the positional was used false otherwise

Try to find a local subcommand that is repeated

now try one last gasp at subcommands that have been executed before, go to root app and try to find a subcommand in a broader way, if one exists let the parent deal with it

If this is an option group don't deal with it

We are out of other options this goes to missing

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _parse_single()

bool CLI::App::_parse_single ( std::vector< std::string > &  args,
bool &  positional_only 

Parse "one" argument (some may eat more than one), delegate to parent if fails, add to missing if missing from main return false if the parse has failed and needs to return to parent

◆ _parse_single_config()

bool CLI::App::_parse_single_config ( const ConfigItem item,
std::size_t  level = 0 

Fill in a single config option.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _parse_stream()

void CLI::App::_parse_stream ( std::istream &  input)

Internal function to parse a stream.

◆ _parse_subcommand()

bool CLI::App::_parse_subcommand ( std::vector< std::string > &  args)

Parse a subcommand, modify args and continue

Unlike the others, this one will always allow fallthrough return true if the subcommand was processed false otherwise

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ _process()

void CLI::App::_process ( )

Process callbacks and such.

◆ _process_callbacks()

void CLI::App::_process_callbacks ( )

Process callbacks. Runs on all subcommands.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _process_config_file()

void CLI::App::_process_config_file ( )

Read and process a configuration file (main app only)

◆ _process_env()

void CLI::App::_process_env ( )

Get envname options if not yet passed. Runs on all subcommands.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _process_extras() [1/2]

void CLI::App::_process_extras ( )

Throw an error if anything is left over and should not be.

◆ _process_extras() [2/2]

void CLI::App::_process_extras ( std::vector< std::string > &  args)

Throw an error if anything is left over and should not be. Modifies the args to fill in the missing items before throwing.

◆ _process_help_flags()

void CLI::App::_process_help_flags ( bool  trigger_help = false,
bool  trigger_all_help = false 
) const

Run help flag processing if any are found.

The flags allow recursive calls to remember if there was a help flag on a parent.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _process_requirements()

void CLI::App::_process_requirements ( )

Verify required options and cross requirements. Subcommands too (only if selected).

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ _recognize()

detail::Classifier CLI::App::_recognize ( const std::string &  current,
bool  ignore_used_subcommands = true 
) const

Selects a Classifier enum based on the type of the current argument.

◆ _trigger_pre_parse()

void CLI::App::_trigger_pre_parse ( std::size_t  remaining_args)

Trigger the pre_parse callback if needed.

◆ _valid_subcommand()

bool CLI::App::_valid_subcommand ( const std::string &  current,
bool  ignore_used = true 
) const

Check to see if a subcommand is valid. Give up immediately if subcommand max has been reached.

◆ _validate()

void CLI::App::_validate ( ) const

Check the options to make sure there are no conflicts.

Currently checks to see if multiple positionals exist with unlimited args and checks if the min and max options are feasible

◆ add_flag() [1/5]

Option * CLI::App::add_flag ( std::string  flag_name)

Add a flag with no description or variable assignment.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_flag() [2/5]

template<typename T , enable_if_t<!std::is_assignable< std::function< void(std::int64_t)> &, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Option * CLI::App::add_flag ( std::string  flag_name,
std::vector< T > &  flag_results,
std::string  flag_description = "" 

Vector version to capture multiple flags.

flag_resultsA vector of values with the flag results

◆ add_flag() [3/5]

template<typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< T, std::int64_t >::value &&!is_bool< T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Option * CLI::App::add_flag ( std::string  flag_name,
T &  flag_count,
std::string  flag_description = "" 

Add option for flag with integer result - defaults to allowing multiple passings, but can be forced to one if multi_option_policy(CLI::MultiOptionPolicy::Throw) is used.

flag_countA variable holding the count

◆ add_flag() [4/5]

template<typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_const< T >::value &&std::is_constructible< std::string, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Option * CLI::App::add_flag ( std::string  flag_name,
T &  flag_description 

Add flag with description but with no variable assignment or callback takes a constant string, if a variable string is passed that variable will be assigned the results from the flag

◆ add_flag() [5/5]

template<typename T , enable_if_t<!detail::is_mutable_container< T >::value &&!std::is_const< T >::value &&(!std::is_constructible< T, std::int64_t >::value||is_bool< T >::value) &&!std::is_constructible< std::function< void(int)>, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Option * CLI::App::add_flag ( std::string  flag_name,
T &  flag_result,
std::string  flag_description = "" 

Other type version accepts all other types that are not vectors such as bool, enum, string or other classes that can be converted from a string

flag_resultA variable holding true if passed
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_flag_callback()

Option * CLI::App::add_flag_callback ( std::string  flag_name,
std::function< void(void)>  function,
std::string  flag_description = "" 

Add option for callback that is triggered with a true flag and takes no arguments.

functionA function to call, void(void)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_flag_function()

Option * CLI::App::add_flag_function ( std::string  flag_name,
std::function< void(std::int64_t)>  function,
std::string  flag_description = "" 

Add option for callback with an integer value.

functionA function to call, void(int)

◆ add_option() [1/4]

Option * CLI::App::add_option ( std::string  option_name)

Add option with no description or variable assignment.

◆ add_option() [2/4]

template<typename AssignTo , typename ConvertTo = AssignTo, enable_if_t<!std::is_const< ConvertTo >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Option * CLI::App::add_option ( std::string  option_name,
AssignTo &  variable,
std::string  option_description = "" 

Add option for assigning to a variable.

variableThe variable to set
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_option() [3/4]

Option * CLI::App::add_option ( std::string  option_name,
callback_t  option_callback,
std::string  option_description = "",
bool  defaulted = false,
std::function< std::string()>  func = {} 

Add an option, will automatically understand the type for common types.

To use, create a variable with the expected type, and pass it in after the name. After start is called, you can use count to see if the value was passed, and the value will be initialized properly. Numbers, vectors, and strings are supported.

->required(), ->default, and the validators are options, The positional options take an optional number of arguments.

For example,

std::string filename;
program.add_option("filename", filename, "description of filename");
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_option() [4/4]

template<typename T , enable_if_t< std::is_const< T >::value &&std::is_constructible< std::string, T >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Option * CLI::App::add_option ( std::string  option_name,
T &  option_description 

Add option with description but with no variable assignment or callback.

◆ add_option_function()

template<typename ArgType >
Option * CLI::App::add_option_function ( std::string  option_name,
const std::function< void(const ArgType &)> &  func,
std::string  option_description = "" 

Add option for a callback of a specific type.

functhe callback to execute
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_option_group()

template<typename T = Option_group>
T * CLI::App::add_option_group ( std::string  group_name,
std::string  group_description = "" 

creates an option group as part of the given app

◆ add_option_no_stream()

template<typename AssignTo , enable_if_t<!std::is_const< AssignTo >::value, detail::enabler > = detail::dummy>
Option * CLI::App::add_option_no_stream ( std::string  option_name,
AssignTo &  variable,
std::string  option_description = "" 

Add option for assigning to a variable.

variableThe variable to set
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_subcommand() [1/2]

App * CLI::App::add_subcommand ( CLI::App_p  subcom)

Add a previously created app as a subcommand.

◆ add_subcommand() [2/2]

App * CLI::App::add_subcommand ( std::string  subcommand_name = "",
std::string  subcommand_description = "" 

Add a subcommand. Inherits INHERITABLE and OptionDefaults, and help flag.

◆ alias()

App * CLI::App::alias ( std::string  app_name)

Set an alias for the app.

◆ allow_config_extras() [1/2]

App * CLI::App::allow_config_extras ( bool  allow = true)

ignore extras in config files

◆ allow_config_extras() [2/2]

App * CLI::App::allow_config_extras ( config_extras_mode  mode)

ignore extras in config files

◆ allow_extras()

App * CLI::App::allow_extras ( bool  allow = true)

Remove the error when extras are left over on the command line.

◆ allow_windows_style_options()

App * CLI::App::allow_windows_style_options ( bool  value = true)

Allow windows style options, such as /opt. First matching short or long name used. Subcommands inherit value.

◆ callback()

App * CLI::App::callback ( std::function< void()>  app_callback)

Set a callback for execution when all parsing and processing has completed

Due to a bug in c++11, it is not possible to overload on std::function (fixed in c++14 and backported to c++11 on newer compilers). Use capture by reference to get a pointer to App if needed.

◆ check_name()

bool CLI::App::check_name ( std::string  name_to_check) const

Check the name, case insensitive and underscore insensitive if set.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clear()

void CLI::App::clear ( )

Reset the parsed data.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clear_aliases()

App * CLI::App::clear_aliases ( )

clear all the aliases of the current App

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ config_formatter()

App * CLI::App::config_formatter ( std::shared_ptr< Config fmt)

Set the config formatter.

◆ config_to_str()

std::string CLI::App::config_to_str ( bool  default_also = false,
bool  write_description = false 
) const

Produce a string that could be read in as a config of the current values of the App. Set default_also to include default arguments. write_descriptions will print a description for the App and for each option.

◆ configurable()

App * CLI::App::configurable ( bool  value = true)

Specify that the subcommand can be triggered by a config file.

◆ count() [1/2]

std::size_t CLI::App::count ( ) const

No argument version of count counts the number of times this subcommand was passed in. The main app will return 1. Unnamed subcommands will also return 1 unless otherwise modified in a callback

◆ count() [2/2]

std::size_t CLI::App::count ( std::string  option_name) const

Counts the number of times the given option was passed.

◆ count_all()

std::size_t CLI::App::count_all ( ) const

Get a count of all the arguments processed in options and subcommands, this excludes arguments which were treated as extras.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ description()

App * CLI::App::description ( std::string  app_description)

Set the description of the app.

◆ disabled()

App * CLI::App::disabled ( bool  disable = true)

Disable the subcommand or option group.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ disabled_by_default()

App * CLI::App::disabled_by_default ( bool  disable = true)

Set the subcommand to be disabled by default, so on clear(), at the start of each parse it is disabled.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ enabled_by_default()

App * CLI::App::enabled_by_default ( bool  enable = true)

Set the subcommand to be enabled by default, so on clear(), at the start of each parse it is enabled (not disabled)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ excludes() [1/2]

App * CLI::App::excludes ( App app)

Sets excluded subcommands for the subcommand.

◆ excludes() [2/2]

App * CLI::App::excludes ( Option opt)

Sets excluded options for the subcommand.

◆ exit()

int CLI::App::exit ( const Error e,
std::ostream &  out = std::cout,
std::ostream &  err = std::cerr 
) const

Print a nice error message and return the exit code.

Avoid printing anything if this is a CLI::RuntimeError

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ failure_message()

void CLI::App::failure_message ( std::function< std::string(const App *, const Error &e)>  function)

Provide a function to print a help message. The function gets access to the App pointer and error.

◆ fallthrough()

App * CLI::App::fallthrough ( bool  value = true)

Stop subcommand fallthrough, so that parent commands cannot collect commands after subcommand. Default from parent, usually set on parent.

◆ final_callback()

App * CLI::App::final_callback ( std::function< void()>  app_callback)

Set a callback for execution when all parsing and processing has completed aliased as callback

◆ footer() [1/2]

App * CLI::App::footer ( std::function< std::string()>  footer_function)

Set footer.

◆ footer() [2/2]

App * CLI::App::footer ( std::string  footer_string)

Set footer.

◆ formatter()

App * CLI::App::formatter ( std::shared_ptr< FormatterBase fmt)

Set the help formatter.

◆ formatter_fn()

App * CLI::App::formatter_fn ( std::function< std::string(const App *, std::string, AppFormatMode)>  fmt)

Set the help formatter.

◆ get_aliases()

const std::vector< std::string > & CLI::App::get_aliases ( ) const

Get the aliases of the current app.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_allow_config_extras()

config_extras_mode CLI::App::get_allow_config_extras ( ) const

Get the status of allow extras.

◆ get_allow_extras()

bool CLI::App::get_allow_extras ( ) const

Get the status of allow extras.

◆ get_allow_windows_style_options()

bool CLI::App::get_allow_windows_style_options ( ) const

Check the status of the allow windows style options.

◆ get_config_formatter()

std::shared_ptr< Config > CLI::App::get_config_formatter ( ) const

Access the config formatter.

◆ get_config_formatter_base()

std::shared_ptr< ConfigBase > CLI::App::get_config_formatter_base ( ) const

Access the config formatter as a configBase pointer.

◆ get_config_ptr() [1/2]

Option * CLI::App::get_config_ptr ( )

Get a pointer to the config option.

◆ get_config_ptr() [2/2]

const Option * CLI::App::get_config_ptr ( ) const

Get a pointer to the config option. (const)

◆ get_configurable()

bool CLI::App::get_configurable ( ) const

Check the status of the allow windows style options.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_description()

std::string CLI::App::get_description ( ) const

Get the app or subcommand description.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_disabled()

bool CLI::App::get_disabled ( ) const

Get the status of disabled.

◆ get_disabled_by_default()

bool CLI::App::get_disabled_by_default ( ) const

Get the status of disabled by default.

◆ get_display_name()

std::string CLI::App::get_display_name ( bool  with_aliases = false) const

Get a display name for an app.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_enabled_by_default()

bool CLI::App::get_enabled_by_default ( ) const

Get the status of disabled by default.

◆ get_fallthrough()

bool CLI::App::get_fallthrough ( ) const

Check the status of fallthrough.

◆ get_footer()

std::string CLI::App::get_footer ( ) const

Generate and return the footer.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_formatter()

std::shared_ptr< FormatterBase > CLI::App::get_formatter ( ) const

Access the formatter.

◆ get_group()

const std::string & CLI::App::get_group ( ) const

Get the group of this subcommand.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_groups()

std::vector< std::string > CLI::App::get_groups ( ) const

Get the groups available directly from this option (in order)

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_help_all_ptr()

const Option * CLI::App::get_help_all_ptr ( ) const

Get a pointer to the help all flag. (const)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_help_ptr() [1/2]

Option * CLI::App::get_help_ptr ( )

Get a pointer to the help flag.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_help_ptr() [2/2]

const Option * CLI::App::get_help_ptr ( ) const

Get a pointer to the help flag. (const)

◆ get_ignore_case()

bool CLI::App::get_ignore_case ( ) const

Check the status of ignore_case.

◆ get_ignore_underscore()

bool CLI::App::get_ignore_underscore ( ) const

Check the status of ignore_underscore.

◆ get_immediate_callback()

bool CLI::App::get_immediate_callback ( ) const

Get the status of disabled.

◆ get_name()

const std::string & CLI::App::get_name ( ) const

Get the name of the current app.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_option() [1/2]

Option * CLI::App::get_option ( std::string  option_name)

Get an option by name (non-const version)

◆ get_option() [2/2]

const Option * CLI::App::get_option ( std::string  option_name) const

Get an option by name.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_option_group()

App * CLI::App::get_option_group ( std::string  group_name) const

Check to see if an option group is part of this App.

◆ get_option_no_throw() [1/2]

const Option * CLI::App::get_option_no_throw ( std::string  option_name) const

Get an option by name (noexcept const version)

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_option_no_throw() [2/2]

Option * CLI::App::get_option_no_throw ( std::string  option_name)

Get an option by name (noexcept non-const version)

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_options() [1/2]

std::vector< const Option * > CLI::App::get_options ( const std::function< bool(const Option *)>  filter = {}) const

Get the list of options (user facing function, so returns raw pointers), has optional filter function.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_options() [2/2]

std::vector< Option * > CLI::App::get_options ( const std::function< bool(Option *)>  filter = {})

Non-const version of the above.

◆ get_parent() [1/2]

App * CLI::App::get_parent ( )

Get the parent of this subcommand (or nullptr if main app)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_parent() [2/2]

const App * CLI::App::get_parent ( ) const

Get the parent of this subcommand (or nullptr if main app) (const version)

◆ get_positionals_at_end()

bool CLI::App::get_positionals_at_end ( ) const

Check the status of the allow windows style options.

◆ get_prefix_command()

bool CLI::App::get_prefix_command ( ) const

Get the prefix command status.

◆ get_require_option_max()

std::size_t CLI::App::get_require_option_max ( ) const

Get the required max option value.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_require_option_min()

std::size_t CLI::App::get_require_option_min ( ) const

Get the required min option value.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_require_subcommand_max()

std::size_t CLI::App::get_require_subcommand_max ( ) const

Get the required max subcommand value.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_require_subcommand_min()

std::size_t CLI::App::get_require_subcommand_min ( ) const

Get the required min subcommand value.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_required()

bool CLI::App::get_required ( ) const

Get the status of required.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_silent()

bool CLI::App::get_silent ( ) const

Get the status of silence.

◆ get_subcommand() [1/3]

App * CLI::App::get_subcommand ( const App subcom) const

Check to see if a subcommand is part of this command (doesn't have to be in command line) returns the first subcommand if passed a nullptr

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_subcommand() [2/3]

App * CLI::App::get_subcommand ( int  index = 0) const

Get a pointer to subcommand by index.

◆ get_subcommand() [3/3]

App * CLI::App::get_subcommand ( std::string  subcom) const

Check to see if a subcommand is part of this command (text version)

◆ get_subcommand_ptr() [1/3]

CLI::App_p CLI::App::get_subcommand_ptr ( App subcom) const

Check to see if a subcommand is part of this command and get a shared_ptr to it.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_subcommand_ptr() [2/3]

CLI::App_p CLI::App::get_subcommand_ptr ( int  index = 0) const

Get an owning pointer to subcommand by index.

◆ get_subcommand_ptr() [3/3]

CLI::App_p CLI::App::get_subcommand_ptr ( std::string  subcom) const

Check to see if a subcommand is part of this command (text version)

◆ get_subcommands() [1/3]

std::vector< App * > CLI::App::get_subcommands ( ) const

Get a subcommand pointer list to the currently selected subcommands (after parsing by default, in command line order; use parsed = false to get the original definition list.)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_subcommands() [2/3]

std::vector< App * > CLI::App::get_subcommands ( const std::function< bool(App *)> &  filter)

Get a filtered subcommand pointer list from the original definition list. An empty function will provide all subcommands

◆ get_subcommands() [3/3]

std::vector< const App * > CLI::App::get_subcommands ( const std::function< bool(const App *)> &  filter) const

Get a filtered subcommand pointer list from the original definition list. An empty function will provide all subcommands (const)

◆ get_validate_positionals()

bool CLI::App::get_validate_positionals ( ) const

Get the status of validating positionals.

◆ get_version_ptr() [1/2]

Option * CLI::App::get_version_ptr ( )

Get a pointer to the version option.

◆ get_version_ptr() [2/2]

const Option * CLI::App::get_version_ptr ( ) const

Get a pointer to the version option. (const)

◆ got_subcommand() [1/2]

bool CLI::App::got_subcommand ( const App subcom) const

Check to see if given subcommand was selected.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ got_subcommand() [2/2]

bool CLI::App::got_subcommand ( std::string  subcommand_name) const

Check with name instead of pointer to see if subcommand was selected.

◆ group()

App * CLI::App::group ( std::string  group_name)

Changes the group membership.

◆ help()

std::string CLI::App::help ( std::string  prev = "",
AppFormatMode  mode = AppFormatMode::Normal 
) const

Makes a help message, using the currently configured formatter Will only do one subcommand at a time

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ignore_case()

App * CLI::App::ignore_case ( bool  value = true)

Ignore case. Subcommands inherit value.

◆ ignore_underscore()

App * CLI::App::ignore_underscore ( bool  value = true)

Ignore underscore. Subcommands inherit value.

◆ immediate_callback()

App * CLI::App::immediate_callback ( bool  immediate = true)

Set the subcommand callback to be executed immediately on subcommand completion.

◆ increment_parsed()

void CLI::App::increment_parsed ( )

Internal function to recursively increment the parsed counter on the current app as well unnamed subcommands.

◆ name()

App * CLI::App::name ( std::string  app_name = "")

Set a name for the app (empty will use parser to set the name)

◆ needs() [1/2]

App * CLI::App::needs ( App app)

◆ needs() [2/2]

App * CLI::App::needs ( Option opt)

◆ operator bool()

CLI::App::operator bool ( ) const

Check to see if this subcommand was parsed, true only if received on command line. This allows the subcommand to be directly checked.

◆ operator=()

App & CLI::App::operator= ( const App )

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

const Option * CLI::App::operator[] ( const char *  option_name) const

Shortcut bracket operator for getting a pointer to an option.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const Option * CLI::App::operator[] ( const std::string &  option_name) const

Shortcut bracket operator for getting a pointer to an option.

◆ option_defaults()

OptionDefaults * CLI::App::option_defaults ( )

Get the OptionDefault object, to set option defaults.

◆ parse() [1/4]

void CLI::App::parse ( int  argc,
const char *const *  argv 

Parses the command line - throws errors. This must be called after the options are in but before the rest of the program.

◆ parse() [2/4]

void CLI::App::parse ( std::string  commandline,
bool  program_name_included = false 

Parse a single string as if it contained command line arguments. This function splits the string into arguments then calls parse(std::vector<std::string> &) the function takes an optional boolean argument specifying if the programName is included in the string to process

◆ parse() [3/4]

void CLI::App::parse ( std::vector< std::string > &&  args)

The real work is done here. Expects a reversed vector.

◆ parse() [4/4]

void CLI::App::parse ( std::vector< std::string > &  args)

The real work is done here. Expects a reversed vector. Changes the vector to the remaining options.

◆ parse_complete_callback()

App * CLI::App::parse_complete_callback ( std::function< void()>  pc_callback)

Set a callback to execute when parsing has completed for the app

◆ parse_from_stream()

void CLI::App::parse_from_stream ( std::istream &  input)

◆ parse_order()

const std::vector< Option * > & CLI::App::parse_order ( ) const

This gets a vector of pointers with the original parse order.

◆ parsed()

bool CLI::App::parsed ( ) const

Check to see if this subcommand was parsed, true only if received on command line.

◆ positionals_at_end()

App * CLI::App::positionals_at_end ( bool  value = true)

Specify that the positional arguments are only at the end of the sequence.

◆ pre_callback()

virtual void CLI::App::pre_callback ( )

This allows subclasses to inject code before callbacks but after parse.

This does not run if any errors or help is thrown.

◆ prefix_command()

App * CLI::App::prefix_command ( bool  allow = true)

Do not parse anything after the first unrecognized option and return.

◆ preparse_callback()

App * CLI::App::preparse_callback ( std::function< void(std::size_t)>  pp_callback)

Set a callback to execute prior to parsing.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remaining()

std::vector< std::string > CLI::App::remaining ( bool  recurse = false) const

This returns the missing options from the current subcommand.

◆ remaining_for_passthrough()

std::vector< std::string > CLI::App::remaining_for_passthrough ( bool  recurse = false) const

This returns the missing options in a form ready for processing by another command line program.

◆ remaining_size()

std::size_t CLI::App::remaining_size ( bool  recurse = false) const

This returns the number of remaining options, minus the – separator.

◆ remove_excludes() [1/2]

bool CLI::App::remove_excludes ( App app)

Removes a subcommand from the excludes list of this subcommand.

◆ remove_excludes() [2/2]

bool CLI::App::remove_excludes ( Option opt)

Removes an option from the excludes list of this subcommand.

◆ remove_needs() [1/2]

bool CLI::App::remove_needs ( App app)

Removes a subcommand from the needs list of this subcommand.

◆ remove_needs() [2/2]

bool CLI::App::remove_needs ( Option opt)

Removes an option from the needs list of this subcommand.

◆ remove_option()

bool CLI::App::remove_option ( Option opt)

Removes an option from the App. Takes an option pointer. Returns true if found and removed.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_subcommand()

bool CLI::App::remove_subcommand ( App subcom)

Removes a subcommand from the App. Takes a subcommand pointer. Returns true if found and removed.

◆ require_option() [1/3]

App * CLI::App::require_option ( )

The argumentless form of require option requires 1 or more options be used.

◆ require_option() [2/3]

App * CLI::App::require_option ( int  value)

Require an option to be given (does not affect help call) The number required can be given. Negative values indicate maximum number allowed (0 for any number).

◆ require_option() [3/3]

App * CLI::App::require_option ( std::size_t  min,
std::size_t  max 

Explicitly control the number of options required. Setting 0 for the max means unlimited number allowed. Max number inheritable.

◆ require_subcommand() [1/3]

App * CLI::App::require_subcommand ( )

The argumentless form of require subcommand requires 1 or more subcommands.

◆ require_subcommand() [2/3]

App * CLI::App::require_subcommand ( int  value)

Require a subcommand to be given (does not affect help call) The number required can be given. Negative values indicate maximum number allowed (0 for any number). Max number inheritable.

◆ require_subcommand() [3/3]

App * CLI::App::require_subcommand ( std::size_t  min,
std::size_t  max 

Explicitly control the number of subcommands required. Setting 0 for the max means unlimited number allowed. Max number inheritable.

◆ required()

App * CLI::App::required ( bool  require = true)

Remove the error when extras are left over on the command line.

◆ run_callback()

void CLI::App::run_callback ( bool  final_mode = false,
bool  suppress_final_callback = false 

Internal function to run (App) callback, bottom up.

◆ set_config()

Option * CLI::App::set_config ( std::string  option_name = "",
std::string  default_filename = "",
const std::string &  help_message = "Read an ini file",
bool  config_required = false 

Set a configuration ini file option, or clear it if no name passed.

◆ set_help_all_flag()

Option * CLI::App::set_help_all_flag ( std::string  help_name = "",
const std::string &  help_description = "" 

Set a help all flag, replaced the existing one if present.

◆ set_help_flag()

Option * CLI::App::set_help_flag ( std::string  flag_name = "",
const std::string &  help_description = "" 

Set a help flag, replace the existing one if present.

◆ set_version_flag() [1/2]

Option * CLI::App::set_version_flag ( std::string  flag_name,
std::function< std::string()>  vfunc,
const std::string &  version_help = "Display program version information and exit" 

Generate the version string through a callback function.

◆ set_version_flag() [2/2]

Option * CLI::App::set_version_flag ( std::string  flag_name = "",
const std::string &  versionString = "",
const std::string &  version_help = "Display program version information and exit" 

Set a version flag and version display string, replace the existing one if present.

◆ silent()

App * CLI::App::silent ( bool  silence = true)

silence the subcommand from showing up in the processed list

◆ validate_positionals()

App * CLI::App::validate_positionals ( bool  validate = true)

Set the subcommand to validate positional arguments before assigning.

◆ version()

std::string CLI::App::version ( ) const

Displays a version string.

Member Data Documentation

◆ aliases_

std::vector<std::string> CLI::App::aliases_ {}

Alias names for the subcommand.

◆ allow_config_extras_

config_extras_mode CLI::App::allow_config_extras_ {config_extras_mode::ignore}

If ignore, allow extra arguments in the ini file (ie, don't throw an error). INHERITABLE if error error on an extra argument, and if capture feed it to the app

◆ allow_extras_

bool CLI::App::allow_extras_ {false}

If true, allow extra arguments (ie, don't throw an error). INHERITABLE.

◆ allow_windows_style_options_

bool CLI::App::allow_windows_style_options_
Initial value:

Allow '/' for options for Windows like options. Defaults to true on Windows, false otherwise. INHERITABLE.

◆ config_formatter_

std::shared_ptr<Config> CLI::App::config_formatter_ {new ConfigTOML()}

This is the formatter for help printing. Default provided. INHERITABLE (same pointer)

◆ config_ptr_

Option* CLI::App::config_ptr_ {nullptr}

Pointer to the config option.

◆ configurable_

bool CLI::App::configurable_ {false}

if set to true the subcommand can be triggered via configuration files INHERITABLE

◆ default_startup

startup_mode CLI::App::default_startup {startup_mode::stable}

specify the startup mode for the app stable=no change, enabled= startup enabled, disabled=startup disabled

◆ description_

std::string CLI::App::description_ {}

Description of the current program/subcommand.

◆ disabled_

bool CLI::App::disabled_ {false}

If set to true the subcommand is disabled and cannot be used, ignored for main app.

◆ exclude_options_

std::set<Option *> CLI::App::exclude_options_ {}

This is a list of options which are exclusionary to this App, if the options were used this subcommand should not be

◆ exclude_subcommands_

std::set<App *> CLI::App::exclude_subcommands_ {}

this is a list of subcommands that are exclusionary to this one

◆ failure_message_

std::function<std::string(const App *, const Error &e)> CLI::App::failure_message_ {FailureMessage::simple}

The error message printing function INHERITABLE.

◆ fallthrough_

bool CLI::App::fallthrough_ {false}

Allow subcommand fallthrough, so that parent commands can collect commands after subcommand. INHERITABLE.

◆ final_callback_

std::function<void()> CLI::App::final_callback_ {}

This is a function that runs when all processing has completed.

◆ footer_

std::string CLI::App::footer_ {}

Footer to put after all options in the help output INHERITABLE.

◆ footer_callback_

std::function<std::string()> CLI::App::footer_callback_ {}

This is a function that generates a footer to put after all other options in help output.

◆ formatter_

std::shared_ptr<FormatterBase> CLI::App::formatter_ {new Formatter()}

This is the formatter for help printing. Default provided. INHERITABLE (same pointer)

◆ group_

std::string CLI::App::group_ {"Subcommands"}

The group membership INHERITABLE.

◆ has_automatic_name_

bool CLI::App::has_automatic_name_ {false}

If set to true the name was automatically generated from the command line vs a user set name.

◆ help_all_ptr_

Option* CLI::App::help_all_ptr_ {nullptr}

A pointer to the help all flag if there is one INHERITABLE.

◆ help_ptr_

Option* CLI::App::help_ptr_ {nullptr}

A pointer to the help flag if there is one INHERITABLE.

◆ ignore_case_

bool CLI::App::ignore_case_ {false}

If true, the program name is not case sensitive INHERITABLE.

◆ ignore_underscore_

bool CLI::App::ignore_underscore_ {false}

If true, the program should ignore underscores INHERITABLE.

◆ immediate_callback_

bool CLI::App::immediate_callback_ {false}

Flag indicating that the callback for the subcommand should be executed immediately on parse completion which is before help or ini files are processed. INHERITABLE

◆ missing_

missing_t CLI::App::missing_ {}

Pair of classifier, string for missing options. (extra detail is removed on returning from parse)

This is faster and cleaner than storing just a list of strings and reparsing. This may contain the – separator.

◆ name_

std::string CLI::App::name_ {}

Subcommand name or program name (from parser if name is empty)

◆ need_options_

std::set<Option *> CLI::App::need_options_ {}

This is a list of options which are required by this app, the list is not mutual, listed options do not need the subcommand not be

◆ need_subcommands_

std::set<App *> CLI::App::need_subcommands_ {}

this is a list of subcommands or option groups that are required by this one, the list is not mutual, the listed subcommands do not require this one

◆ option_defaults_

OptionDefaults CLI::App::option_defaults_ {}

The default values for options, customizable and changeable INHERITABLE.

◆ options_

std::vector<Option_p> CLI::App::options_ {}

The list of options, stored locally.

◆ parent_

App* CLI::App::parent_ {nullptr}

A pointer to the parent if this is a subcommand.

◆ parse_complete_callback_

std::function<void()> CLI::App::parse_complete_callback_ {}

This is a function that runs when parsing has finished.

◆ parse_order_

std::vector<Option *> CLI::App::parse_order_ {}

This is a list of pointers to options with the original parse order.

◆ parsed_

std::uint32_t CLI::App::parsed_ {0U}

Counts the number of times this command/subcommand was parsed.

◆ parsed_subcommands_

std::vector<App *> CLI::App::parsed_subcommands_ {}

This is a list of the subcommands collected, in order.

◆ positionals_at_end_

bool CLI::App::positionals_at_end_ {false}

specify that positional arguments come at the end of the argument sequence not inheritable

◆ pre_parse_callback_

std::function<void(std::size_t)> CLI::App::pre_parse_callback_ {}

This is a function that runs prior to the start of parsing.

◆ pre_parse_called_

bool CLI::App::pre_parse_called_ {false}

Flag indicating that the pre_parse_callback has been triggered.

◆ prefix_command_

bool CLI::App::prefix_command_ {false}

If true, return immediately on an unrecognized option (implies allow_extras) INHERITABLE.

◆ require_option_max_

std::size_t CLI::App::require_option_max_ {0}

Max number of options allowed. 0 is unlimited (not inheritable)

◆ require_option_min_

std::size_t CLI::App::require_option_min_ {0}

Minimum required options (not inheritable!)

◆ require_subcommand_max_

std::size_t CLI::App::require_subcommand_max_ {0}

Max number of subcommands allowed (parsing stops after this number). 0 is unlimited INHERITABLE.

◆ require_subcommand_min_

std::size_t CLI::App::require_subcommand_min_ {0}

Minimum required subcommands (not inheritable!)

◆ required_

bool CLI::App::required_ {false}

If set to true the subcommand is required to be processed and used, ignored for main app.

◆ silent_

bool CLI::App::silent_ {false}

indicator that the subcommand is silent and won't show up in subcommands list This is potentially useful as a modifier subcommand

◆ subcommands_

std::vector<App_p> CLI::App::subcommands_ {}

Storage for subcommand list.

◆ validate_positionals_

bool CLI::App::validate_positionals_ {false}

If set to true positional options are validated before assigning INHERITABLE.

◆ version_ptr_

Option* CLI::App::version_ptr_ {nullptr}

A pointer to a version flag if there is one.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: