sisi4s::CoulombIntegralsFromVertex Class Reference
Caclulates the Coulomb Integrals (if given) from the Coulomb Vertex and stores them in CTF Tensors Vabij, Vaibj, Vijkl, Vabcd, Vijka, and Vabci respectively. The arguments of the integrals are PPPP, PPHH, HHHH, PHPH, HHHP, and PPPHCoulombIntegrals.
Calculates Coulomb integrals Vabcd,Vabij,Vaibj,Vabci,Vijka,Vijkl from GammaGai,GammaGab,GammaGij Coulomb Vertices. Arguments can be any combination of the sort PPPP, PHPH, PPHH, HHHH, HHHP, PPPHCoulombIntegrals.
Dry run for calculating Coulomb integrals Vabcd,Vabij,Vaibj,Vabci,Vijka Vijkl from GammaGai,GammaGab,GammaGij Coulomb Vertices. Arguments can be any combination of the sort PPPP, PHPH, PPHH, HHHH, HHHP, PPPHCoulombIntegrals.
Caclulates the Coulomb Integrals (if given) from the Coulomb Vertex and stores them in CTF Tensors Vabij, Vaibj, Vijkl, Vabcd, Vijka, and Vabci respectively. The arguments of the integrals are PPPP, PPHH, HHHH, PHPH, HHHP, and PPPHCoulombIntegrals.
Dry run for calculating Coulomb integrals Vabcd,Vabij,Vaibj,Vabci,Vijka Vijkl from GammaGai,GammaGab,GammaGij Coulomb Vertices. Arguments can be any combination of the sort PPPP, PHPH, PPHH, HHHH, HHHP, PPPHCoulombIntegrals.
Calculates Coulomb integrals Vabcd,Vabij,Vaibj,Vabci,Vijka,Vijkl from GammaGai,GammaGab,GammaGij Coulomb Vertices. Arguments can be any combination of the sort PPPP, PHPH, PPHH, HHHH, HHHP, PPPHCoulombIntegrals.