No Matches
pars Namespace Reference


struct  Regex
struct  XyzParser


using Str = std::string


std::string oneOf (const std::vector< std::string > &v)
std::vector< std::string > parseVector (const std::string &l)
std::vector< double > parseVector< double > (const std::string &l)
std::vector< int > parseVector< int > (const std::string &l)
const Str oneOrMore ("+")
const Str newline ("\\n")
const Str anyChar (".")
const Str tab ("\\t")
const Str anyOf ("*")
const Str optional ("?")
const Str eof ("$")
const Str orOf ("|")
const Str bof ("^")
const Str alnum ("[[:alnum:]]")
const Str alpha ("[[:alpha:]]")
const Str blank ("[[:blank:]]")
const Str cntrl ("[[:cntrl:]]")
const Str digit ("[[:digit:]]")
const Str graph ("[[:graph:]]")
const Str lower ("[[:lower:]]")
const Str upper ("[[:upper:]]")
const Str print ("[[:print:]]")
const Str punct ("[[:punct:]]")
const Str space ("[[:space:]]")
const Str xdigit ("[[:xdigit:]]")
const Str realNumber ("[-eE+\\d.]+")
const std::function< Str(Str)> capture ([](const Str &i) { return "("+i+")";})
const std::function< Str(Str)> group ([](const Str &i) { return "(?:"+i+")";})
template<typename F >
std::vector< F > parseVector (const std::string &)

Typedef Documentation

◆ Str

using pars::Str = typedef std::string

Function Documentation

◆ alnum()

const Str pars::alnum ( "]"  [[:alnum:])

◆ alpha()

const Str pars::alpha ( "]"  [[:alpha:])

◆ anyChar()

const Str pars::anyChar ( "."  )

◆ anyOf()

const Str pars::anyOf ( "*"  )

◆ blank()

const Str pars::blank ( "]"  [[:blank:])

◆ bof()

const Str pars::bof ( "^"  )

◆ capture()

const std::function< Str(Str)> pars::capture ( [] (const Str &i) { return "("+i+")";}  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cntrl()

const Str pars::cntrl ( "]"  [[:cntrl:])

◆ digit()

const Str pars::digit ( "]"  [[:digit:])

◆ eof()

const Str pars::eof ( "$"  )

◆ graph()

const Str pars::graph ( "]"  [[:graph:])

◆ group()

const std::function< Str(Str)> pars::group ( [] (const Str &i) { return "(?:"+i+")";}  )

◆ lower()

const Str pars::lower ( "]"  [[:lower:])

◆ newline()

const Str pars::newline ( "\\n"  )

◆ oneOf()

Str pars::oneOf ( const std::vector< std::string > &  v)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ oneOrMore()

const Str pars::oneOrMore ( "+"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ optional()

const Str pars::optional ( "?"  )

◆ orOf()

const Str pars::orOf ( "|"  )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseVector() [1/2]

template<typename F >
std::vector< F > pars::parseVector ( const std::string &  )

◆ parseVector() [2/2]

std::vector< std::string > pars::parseVector ( const std::string &  l)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ parseVector< double >()

std::vector< double > pars::parseVector< double > ( const std::string &  l)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parseVector< int >()

std::vector< int > pars::parseVector< int > ( const std::string &  l)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print()

const Str pars::print ( "]"  [[:print:])

◆ punct()

const Str pars::punct ( "]"  [[:punct:])

◆ realNumber()

const Str pars::realNumber ( "+"  [-eE+\\d.])

◆ space()

const Str pars::space ( "]"  [[:space:])

◆ tab()

const Str pars::tab ( "\\t"  )

◆ upper()

const Str pars::upper ( "]"  [[:upper:])

◆ xdigit()

const Str pars::xdigit ( "]"  [[:xdigit:])